Saturday, February 14, 2009

The Importance of Light

The sun is finally rising far enough in the sky now that it is mid-February that my bird feeders are now lit up by the late afternoon light. Yesterday I spent a few minutes standing out in the snow with my 500 snapping photos of the many Black-capped and Boreal Chickadees and Common Redpolls that were swarming the yard. For the first 20 minutes, beams of low-angle sunlight filtered through the trees occasionally lighting up the birds as they flitted in the branches of the willows. Eventually of course, the sun settled behind the hills. I continued to shoot for a few minutes until I realized that the time for photography had passed when the sun disappeared.

The first image, above, was taken when the sun was still shining and casting lovely light on the birds. The second, below, was just a few minutes later after the sun had gone. Both are sharp, both have good detail and clean backgrounds. It is the light that makes all the difference.

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