Monday, October 19, 2009


Black-capped Chickadee, sky abstract

Canon 7d, 70-200f2.8L IS, Handheld, 1/640th, f8.0, ISO 100

This is a rather atypical wildlife shot for me. It falls very much in to the "art" realm of my imagery. I've seen this kind of image (atypical framing and lighting, no distinct subject, but telling something of a story) fairly regularly in the fine art photography blogs and web sites. Most of my work falls into more classic structure. Yet I still kind of like this one. It's different, I don't feel like I've seen the image before, it tells a story and provides some scale. With increasing demand for atypical imagery, perhaps this kind of work has a future...

On another topic entirely, I'm currently reading David duChemin's book "Within the Frame". It is an excellent read, not about the technology of photography, but about vision. There are a million books out there on how to operate a camera, how to expose, depth of field, and other very teachable subjects. However, there are VERY few books on how to see. "Within the Frame" is one, "The Inner Game of Outdoor Photography" by Galen Rowell is another. So is the "Tao of Photography" by Gross and Shapiro. Teaching how to see, teaching art, is extremely difficult but learning it is even harder. These writers provide some insight into their techniques. I highly recommend you read them all. Carefully. And over and over again.

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