Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Icy Sunset

Icy Sunset
Canon 7D, 70-200f2.8L IS, 1/250th at f9.0, ISO 100

I'm afraid there is no denying it anymore, autumn is over, even if winter's snow has not yet arrived. There are people skating on the local ponds and talk has gone from admiring the indian summer to eager for snow. This time of year, as I noted a few days back, is also extremely good for photography. The morning and evening colors last forever, the stars are bright and fill the sky from horizon to horizon each cloudless night.

This image is of frozen Ballaine Pond on the University of Alaska Fairbanks campus. Crystals of frost were forming on top of the ice and that is why I stopped, but it wasn't the crystals that drew my attention, but the way the trees and fading sun reflected off the ice.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, how gorgeous! I am glad you got the 7D. What's happening to the old camera? ;) I've noticed the change in conversation as the season turns, so I am living vicariously through all of you. See you back in the frozen, and perhaps snowy, north soon. Also- love the video. I shared it with friends in Montreal who asked me what life is like in Alaska.
