Thursday, March 19, 2009


Some more candy today. I've developed what is beginning to seem like a network of folks keeping their eyes open for cool bird photography opportunities. And today, before I headed into town, a friend called to tell me she had a flock of Bohemian Waxwings hanging out in the choke cherry trees behind her house. So I made a short detour on my way in this afternoon and spent a half hour shooting from her deck. These images are just quick and dirty post-processing of the jpegs. I haven't dived into the RAW files yet, perhaps I'll have a chance to work on them a bit more this evening. Then I'll post a few of the "finished" images so you can see the differences. This should give me the chance to start talking a bit about bird photography. I've got some thoughts on the subject, so beware.

For your viewing pleasure here are a few more:

1 comment:

  1. Dave, these are some really beautiful shots. What a remarkable bird. I may have to turn one of these into a drawing. I'll post if I do. Great work!
