Wednesday, December 2, 2009


IPhone-Winter Trees
iPhone image, post processed in Best Camera iphone application

OK I admit it, I'm a total sucker for gadgetry. And in that vein, I just got an iphone. I'd admired the little do-it-all wonder for some time, but the price had kept me from jumping on the band wagon. Recently, however, my other plan expired and I decided it was worth the extra bit for the shear niftiness of the iphone. Among that niftiness is the iphone's camera. At a mere 2 megapixels in the version I have, it is unlikely to ever produce to a truly publishable image, but that is not its purpose. Rather, I look at it as I would a Holga. A tool for creativity rather than reproduction. And it is great for that, always with me it allows me to snap some shots I would not have otherwise bothered with. Add to it, the neat application: Best Photo, developed by Chase Jarvis and you have hours and hours of entertainment. The image above is post-processed in Best Photo, which has some neat effects for a very simple program.

Anything to keep my creativity going, right? Or is it anything for a new spiffy gadget?

1 comment:

  1. Hey Dave,
    What's this, no blog post since early December! I was so excited to take a peek at some shots from the southern hemisphere. It was a great trip and a please to meet you formally and work side by side. Your pleasant demeanor was a tonic and I hope we can repeat that experience again in the future.
